
You @ 11:07 - 06. Nov 2024
write me an assembly code, that bounces a ball around on the screen
WebGPT @ 11:07 - 06. Nov 2024
    Here is a simple example of assembly code that bounces a ball around on the screen:
ORG 100h MOV AX, 13h INT 10h MOV CX, 0 MOV DX, 0 MOV SI, 1 MOV DI, 1 bounce: MOV AH, 0Ch MOV AL, 0 MOV BH, 0 MOV CX, DX MOV DX, CX INT 10h ADD CX, SI ADD DX, DI CMP CX, 319 JNZ not_right MOV SI, -1 not_right: CMP CX, 0 JNZ not_left MOV SI, 1 not_left: CMP DX, 199 JNZ not_down MOV DI, -1 not_down: CMP DX, 0 JNZ not_up MOV DI, 1 not_up: JMP bounce
This code sets the video mode to 320x200 pixels, then continuously updates the position of a "ball" on the screen by incrementing or decrementing the X and Y coordinates. When the ball reaches the edges of the screen, its direction is changed to make it bounce off the walls. The ball is represented by a single pixel that is moved around the screen.

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